Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Taekwondo-4self-mastery: an introduction to taekwondo-4self-mastery.

How To Become a Master of Yourself While Mastering The Art of Taekwondo.This website is dedicated to you the students of Taekwondo that have taken the first steps in what can become a lifelong study of the martial arts. We will focus on the aspects of training relating to your personal growth and your continued development through the study of the art and sport. Self-Mastery is not the outcome, it is the WAY.

The Grandmasters, founders and originators of our art were leaders and great men because they had developed mental strength and indomitable spirit through their training. Their purpose for studying self-defense was in order to develop within themselves the qualities necessary for success in their lives outside of the martial arts. It is in this spirit that this website was designed.

These great masters were the roots of what would become know as the World and International Taekwondo Federations as well as many other smaller though no less important Associations and Federations.

They were great innovators of the martial art that they practiced and developed. It will be our practice to focus upon providing you both the traditional and state of the art methods of training your mind and body to achieve the outcomes of personal growth, personal development and martial excellence that are the reason you began your training.

Click here to read the full introductory article.

In the spirit of wisdom,

Childan Sam Naples
Grandmaster Chun Taekwondo Jidokwan

Hello and welcome to the Taekwondo-4self-mastery Blog

Welcome to our Blog. Every few days we'll be updating the content, here so check back often.

Your in mastery
Childan Sam Naples
Grandmaster Chun Taekwondo Jidokwan