Old Taekwondo Times Article about me is now on my website.

This was an old article written about me in the old Traditional Taekwondo Magazine.
It was a Grand Championship match, and it could have been for a world title--the action was worth of it! What it was for though, was the title of National Open Championship for one year, and for the six-foot trophy what went with it. But that was plenty! The agression, the speed, the techniuqe, it was all there. By title it was an open tournament, but it was a Korean sponsored open, which meant that kicking technique would be especially favored.
The younger man wearing no safety equipment on his hands fo reet was Sam Naples twenty-five year old fourth-degree Black Belt from Youngstown, Ohio. Chasing him around the squared-off battleground was one of Ohio's flashiest kickers, Out of Cincinnati, The Kicker had been winning tournaments for a long time, and deservedly. The physical scope of his attack was awesome -- spinning, jumping, back-turning kicks. He had them all...and Sam hand none of them. Oh, they were in his arsenal, but for two years now he had been unable to lift his knee belt high to get off a decent kick. When ever he would try he would nearly collapse with pain. Worse yet, he would be unable to use the leg again for weeks. So, here he was, having punched his way through all the black belt opposition, thrown up gainst this flashy kicker, knowing full well that he couldn't throw a kick of his own. To complicate matters, The Kicker knew he couldn't kick, and was taking advantage of that knowledge, as well he should. He was furiously bombardin Naples now, front snap, side, thrusting, roundhouse -- combination after combination, yet he couldn't score. Maybe Naples couldn't kick any more, but he sure could block ... boy, could he block.
You are read SAM NAPLES . . . TRIPPLE THREAT . . . GENTLEMAN, Click here to read the entire article.
True to the TRUTH
Childan Sam Naples
Supreme Grandmaster Chun Kae-bae Taekwondo Jidokwan