Taekwondo's Early History: Before the Kwans

Taekwondo Early History begins with the country of Korea, such a tiny country surrounded by the powerful China and Japan. The proximity of these powerful neighbors helped to develop a fierce national spirit in Korea. The country’s very existence is a tribute to Korea's indomitable martial spirit.
Throughout the Taekwondo early history, Korea's neighbors attempted to conquer her; the fierce Japanese tried as did the raging Mongolian hordes. For a time the Mongols succeeded, and for a time in more modern history Japan succeeded, conquering and suppressing the Korean people from 1934 until the end of WW II, 1945.
As a result of being bullied by Japan there developed a deep rooted animosity among many older Koreans for the Japanese and things Japanese. One of the results of this animosity is Korean revisionist history wherein Korean martial artists find it difficult to admit the Japanese influence upon Taekwondo History.
In many different versions of Taekwondo early history, you will read about the ancient arts of Kwon-Bup, Kuk-Sool, Hwa-Rang, Tang-Soo, and Tae-Kyun, and their influence upon Korean martial arts. These arts were portrayed as the ancestors of modern Taekwondo, however the fathers of Taekwondo never studied them.
Click here to read the full article and learn more about early History of martial arts in Korea, which led to the foundation of the Kwan system.
Yours in the Spirit of Wisdom
Childan Sam Naples
Grandmaster Chun Taekwondo Jidokwan
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