ShimShinTalyun . . . the mind and body must train together!

The mind/body connection, ShimShinTalyun is the key to self mastery. And the essence of the Palsungdo Changshin or Eight Manners of Solemnity that are part of the Jidokwan school of Taekwondo.
Shim translates as mind, as in the term Mushim which is the Buddhist concept of “No Mind.”
Shin translates body, as used in the term hoshinsul which translates as the art of protecting the body, or self-defense.
Talyun translates as “training” as in the term talyuntae which is a “training post,” makiwara in Japanese.
Western philosophy and psychology originally considered the mind, body and spirit/soul to be three separate parts or elements, that when combined make up the whole person.
Oriental thought on the contrary considers mind/body/spirit to all intricately interwoven and to be developed together, this is shimshintalyun. Not separatable as was the tradition in western thought.
Thru the great strides in quantum physics as well as other schools of science, western thought has come to agree with oriental thought. Everything in the universe is made up of the same stuff, Ki , energy if you will, but in many various forms.
To learn more about quantum physics’ theories on the nature of reality, check out the book the Holographic Universe, the very enjoyable and entertaining movies “What the Bleep do we know!?” and “The Secret.”
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Yours in the Spirit of WisdomChildan Sam Naples
Grandmaster Chun Taekwondo Jidokwan
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